Sunday 6 November 2011

Broken iPad - The generation gap widens

I'm not sure whether or not to be worried about this one . . . . . . .

. . . . . . but it is clear that the next generation already expect everything to be digital and magazines can't have much a future when these kids grow up.


  1. Oh I so don't agree. From a teacher's point of view, that child is showing good book behaviour - she's holding it the right way up, turning pages and relating to elements printed on the page. With the iPad, she has it the wrong way up, isn't using it successfully and is equally interested in her reflection. Editing and contrived context are making the point here; it isn't the footage.

  2. But she does seem to be trying to use the thumb-forefinger to expand/enlarge the picture.
    You may well be right about the editing, but the direction of travel here is clear.

  3. As someone who works in business magazine publishing and is being pressed my employers to go didgital and end print...
