Tuesday 7 December 2010

PISA 2009 - The debate begins . . . .

Today the OECD Programme for Student Assessment [PISA] published its three-yearly survey of "What Students Know and Can Do: Student Performance in Reading, Mathematics and Science"

This survey ranks countries on the quality of their education.

Here's a taste: the UK ranks 21st in the world in Science Education

What strikes me about these figures is that other school systems not only are producing much higher proportions of the very best students [level 5] in Science education than we are in the UK - but, given the population size of these countries, they are also producing them in significant numbers too. If our brightest and best are going to compete successfully in the global jobs market, then we, in the independent sector, are going to have to take the lead and share how we develop our pupils so that they become the very best of the world's top talent.

We can look forward to weeks of discussion and debate about what the figures mean. Follow the debate live on Twitter #OECDPISA

News Stories:
UK schools fall in global ranking
BBC Website 07/12/2010
Save our schools Daily Telegraph Comment 08/12/2010
British schools slump in global league table Independent 08/12/2010

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